programming projects

here are some of the (not many) programming projects i've created. i hope to add more things here in the future, as i do really enjoy coding.
i've mainly been learning Rust, but i have a very basic familiarity with html, css and bash scripting. the licenses for each project are available in their respective repositories, but as a rule i prefer the GPL.

brr: the perfunctory prose proliferator

a digital typewriter/prose generation assistant. brr is a barebones text "editor" that forces you to write instead of getting stuck editing.
it does this by disallowing the user from editing any text saved within the file, simultaneously saving every few words. additionally, it will save after a period of inactivity, so you can't just sit there and think about a sentence you've written forever.
it's written entirely in rust. it works on linux and windows (and theoretically on osx).

this very website

i suppose this website technically counts as code i've written. it's not very exciting, but if you want to look at the source code (and the bash script i use to make things easer to put together -- wow!), it's probably easier to do so in a repository, rather than inspecting each page's source with your browser.